With all guns trained on the doors, the three men emerge and now don heavy weaponry and body armor acquired from the military convoy. Police have now swarmed and surrounded the bank entrance, the deputy sheriff orders them to surrender and let the hostages go so they can 'talk like gentlemen'. Michael, Trevor, and the gunman all convene in the safe deposit box room and collect all the money - consistently $8,016,020. The officers retreat to their cruiser to tell dispatch that the 2-11 (armed robbery) is confirmed and they need everything they have. He fires a warning shot and shouts that they have hostages. Meanwhile, Trevor sees two cops pulling up outside, talking about shooting the alarm guy under the assumption that it is another false alarm.
Michael impatiently kicks the door open after it has been weakened and starts to steal money. Trevor and Michael handle crowd control while the gunman welds the safe deposit box room's door open with a blowtorch. Inside, Trevor will shoot out the camera, causing the alarm to go off. They get out of the van and inside the bank. The crew drives to Paleto Bay, where they drop off Franklin, and then go to the bank entrance. Only one preparation mission has to be performed, Military Hardware requires stealing a military convoy that is driving around in Grand Senora Desert. In order to perform the heist, Michael or Trevor must perform a side-mission ( Heist Setup) to get the necessary equipment.